What is "People Also Ask" and How to Use It for SEO Strategy

Staff Writer
Last Updated
July 18, 2024
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One of the latest features shaking up the SEO game is “People Also Ask” (PAA) boxes. These interactive search elements are displayed prominently in Google’s search results and offer related questions based on their initial query. Leveraging PAA can be a game-changer in driving organic traffic and boosting website visibility!

What is “People Also Ask’?

People Also Ask (PAA) is a feature that can be found within the SERPs. They present users with additional inquiries related to the initial search query and the answer. Each question within the PAA is accompanied by a featured snippet to address the query.

By presenting a selection of related questions, Google aims to anticipate user intent and provide more comprehensive search results.

Why is “People Also Ask” Important?

  • The Importance of PAA for Users: PAA can help users find answers to certain questions that are closely tied to their original search queries. This feature serves as a valuable resource for individuals who may struggle to articulate their queries accurately. Additionally, PAAs can also assist users who are uncertain about their search intention by offering additional questions that may refine or clarify their search terms.
  • The Importance of PAA for Website Owners: PAA presents an opportunity to get extra clicks from search engine result pages as it will rank higher than the organic result. Additionally, PAA can also serve as a valuable source of inspiration for keyword research and content creation. By analyzing the questions presented in this feature, website owners can uncover new keywords and generate ideas for blog topics or subsections within larger articles.

Also Read: How to Increase Organic Traffic in 2024

Example of People Also Ask Feature

What Are the Benefits of People Also Ask?

Increase Visibility and Attract Organic Traffic

The PAA feature often appears prominently in search results, sometimes even before the first organic result. This shows that when your content can answer these questions, it has the potential to appear in this highly visible position. This increased visibility can help attract more clicks and drive significant organic traffic to your site.

Possibility to Get Double Ranking 

When you create a well-made article that successfully ranks organically, and at the same time can also answer a PAA question, this means that your site can appear twice on the first page of search results. This double ranking enhances your credibility and can increase the chances of users clicking through to your site. It effectively can reduce opportunities for competitors and potentially double the traffic from a single search query.

Increase Site Topical Authority 

Regularly appearing in PAA sections will signal to search engines that your site is a reliable and authoritative source on a specific topic. This consistent presence can boost your overall topical authority, making search engines more likely to rank your content highly for related queries. Over time, as your site becomes known for providing comprehensive and accurate answers, it can establish itself as a go-to resource within your niche. 

Help to Generate More Content Ideas

The question in the PAA box can also be a valuable insight to help generate more content ideas. By analyzing these questions, you can identify gaps in your current content and generate new ideas that address these specific questions. This will not only help you create content that directly meets user needs but also ensure that your content strategy is aligned with popular search trends.

10 Ways to Get Featured On People Also Ask

1. Identify Relevant PAA Queries

You can begin by conducting keyword research to identify the PAA queries that are relevant to your niche. To make this process easier, you can utilize SEO tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, or even Google’s feature.

2. Provide a Concise Answer

To increase your chances of ranking in PAA boxes, you should offer a brief answer upfront in your content to address a specific question. Aim to only have 2-3 succinct sentences, which serve as a potential snippet for Google to feature in “People Also Ask” boxes.

3. Create Comprehensive Content

Once you’ve identified the PAA queries, create high-quality and comprehensive content that directly addresses these questions. Structure your content in a user-friendly format with clear headings and concise answers to each question.

4. Incorporate Questions Into Subheading

Including questions within your content subheadings aids both users and search engines in grasping the primary component of your topic. Using questions in subheaders can help signal to Google that the section directly addresses a query. 

5. Optimize for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets aim to provide quick answers to questions and are sourced from web pages that Google considers authoritative. If you want to gain a position in PAA, you should structure your content to answer specific questions to increase the likelihood of being selected for featured snippets. 

6. Monitor and Update Content

Monitor PAA results for your target keywords regularly, and update your content as needed to stay relevant and competitive. 

7. Use Natural Language

When you aim to optimize content for PAA, you should prioritize using natural language and conversational tone which mimic the language used in the questions themselves. This is a great way to increase relevance and improve your chances of appearing in PAA boxes.

8. Utilize Long-Tail Keywords

PAA queries often consist of long-tail keywords and specific questions. Thus if you want to optimize your content for PAA, you should target these queries in your content to capture highly targeted traffic.

Also Read: How to Use Long-Tail Keywords

9. Focus On User Intent

Understanding the underlying intent behind PAA queries can help you tailor your content accordingly. Whether users are seeking information, solutions, or product recommendations - you should align your content to fulfill their needs and add value to your content.

10. Optimize Images

You can also optimize images inside your content as PAA boxes frequently feature images. To optimize your images, you can do some of these tips:

  • Employ descriptive alt texts for images
  • Choose informative file names
  • Provide a caption for images
  • Utilize surrounding text to offer context and description for images

Final Thoughts

Incorporating “People Also Ask” into your SEO strategy can provide a boost to your organic visibility and help drive targeted traffic to your website. Thus if you want to focus on improving your SEO, optimizing PAA should be included in your strategy.

Want to work with an expert team who can take your SEO strategy to the next level? Contact Cardinal Digital today!

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